Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why am I thankful?

I have been thinking a lot lately about the things I am grateful for. You know the usually: my family, my friends, my health, my job, my home, my dog, talking long walks, surfing, painting, listening to music or going to a concert, etc, etc.

Then, I saw a 7 year old patient this week who had leukemia. As most pediatric patients are, she was frightened to be at the doctors office. I decided to be playful with her, and I slowly won her over. As I was discharging her we had an interesting conversation.

Me: "So, little muffin, what was the best part of your day? Coming in to see me?
Her: "Umm...well, I have a friend that died the other day. I was really sad about it. My mom told me she didn't feel any pain and she left in her sleep. So the best part of my day, was that I woke up today!"
Me: (Crying, I have no words. I know its hard to believe.)
Her: "And, we are going to get ice cream after this. Its been a great day!"

So, I have added to my list: waking up.

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